Raspberry Pi: installation and configuration

Let us introduce the raspberry pi installation and make the first access. For this, we will access the raspberry pi website: www.raspberrypi.org/software/ . 

Inside the site, we go to the download area and download the Raspberry Pi Imager.


The Raspberry Pi Imager is available for Linux, Windows and macOS.

Raspberry Pi Imager
Raspberry Pi Imager

Let’s download the installer Raspberry Pi Imager from the downloads folder.

After that, let’s run the command:

sudo dpkg -i imager_1.6.2_amd64.deb 

After installation, we can run the Imager application. After that, let us choose the operating system for Raspberry Pi Imager.

Imager raspberry
Imager raspberry
Selecione o SO do raspberry pi e local
Select raspberry pi OS and location

In our case, we chose the first option. After that, we will choose the location where the system will be installed. And then click on WRITE.

Selecione o SO do raspberry pi
SO raspberry pi

After that, the installer will ask for confirmation and start the installation. After installation, remove the flash drive with the microSD and insert it into the raspberry pi.

Raspberry pi configuration

Initially, a configuration screen appears, showing the country and language options. Then, we Select the one that best suits our case.

Configuração de linguagem
language setting

After that, enter our password. Then we have the option to update packages, but we will skip that option in this case.

raspberry pi password

In the upper right corner, let’s select the network. In our case, we chose the wireless network and entered the password for our local network.

Setting up the SSH server

Now let us start the SSH server. This way, we can remotely access the raspberry pi from other devices.

In addition, using ssh simplifies the configuration of servers that will later be installed on raspberry pi.

To start the ssh service, type:

systemctl start ssh.service 

Checking the SSH port

Then we can check if port 22 is in listen mode with the command

netstat -anlt 

Now let’s check which IP the raspberry pi acquired. For this we will use the command:


Accessing the Raspberry Pi

Now, inside another machine, let’s make an access using ssh to the raspberry pi. For this, let’s use the command:

ssh [email protected] 

Pi= the default raspberry pi user = the IP that my raspberry pi acquired on my network.

Remember to replace this IP with the IP that your raspberry pi acquired on your local network.

Finally, we have remote access to raspberry pi.

SSH raspberry pi
SSH access to raspberry pi

Congratulations on following the installation this far.

Article 01 – How to install OpenWrt on Raspberry Pi
Article 02 – Turn the raspberry pi into a WIFI router
Article 03 – Raspberry Pi: installation and configuration
Article 04 – Install VNC on Raspberry pi
Article 05 – How to install Zabbix on Raspberry Pi
RaspBerry Pi Tutorial

See also :

Juliana Mascarenhas

Data Scientist and Master in Computer Modeling by LNCC.
Computer Engineer