Install AdoptOpenJDK on Windows

In this tutorial we will show you how to install AdoptOpenJDK on a Windows machine.

AdoptOpenJDK is an excellent tool to run programs written in Java.

Download the ADOPTOPENJDK installer

Let’s Download the ADOPTOPENJDK installer. For this, we can type ADOPTOPENJDK in google and most of the time the correct page will appear.

search adoptOpenJDK
search adoptOpenJDK

If you wish, you can use the direct link:

Next, let’s see the homepage and let’s select the latest version of OpenJDK

Prebuilt adoptOpenJDK
Prebuilt adoptOpenJDK

We can also select the installer for other platforms. To do this, we can click on the “Other platforms” link.

Other plataforms adoptOpenJDK
Other plataforms adoptOpenJDK

Next, let’s choose Windows x64.

Windows adoptOpenJDK
Windows adoptOpenJDK

Next, we will download the “.msi” installer, as shown in the figure below.

adoptOpenJDK msi
adoptOpenJDK msi

Installing AdoptOpenJDK

After downloading the installation file, let’s run the “.msi” file.

install adoptOpenJDK
install adoptOpenJDK

Let’s see the screen below and click on “Next”

adoptOpenJDK first install
adoptOpenJDK first install

Now, let’s check the “Set JAVA_HOME variable” option. The figure below shows what our installation will look like. Then we can click on “Next”.

Set Java Home Variable adoptOpenJDK
Set Java Home Variable adoptOpenJDK
Installing adoptOpenJDK
Installing adoptOpenJDK

Now we will have a screen to click on “install”.

status installing
status installing

A message will now appear asking if you allow the vendor to make changes to your computer’s hard drive. In this case we will answer yes.

Allow HD modification
Allow HD modification

Okay, now we have the installation completed. And therefore we can click on “Finish”.

Finish install adoptOpenJDK
Finish install adoptOpenJDK

Testing Java

Now let’s open the terminal. To do this, click on the lower left corner and type CMD and press ENTER.


Then let’s type:

java -version

The figure below shows the screen that will be displayed after typing the command “java -version”.

java -version
java -version

See Also